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Good News! The company was awarded the title of Provincial Welding Skills Master Studio and Provincial Advanced Collective for Cultivating High-skilled Talents

On the last day, the Zigong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the High-tech Zone Social Affairs and Veterans Affairs Bureau visited the company and presented on-site plaques to the company for the two honors of "Provincial Huang Ming Welding Skill Master Studio" and "Sichuan Province Advanced Collective for the Cultivation of High-skilled Talents".


Behind every honor lies countless hard work and sweat, and behind every success lies the persistence and dedication of the people of West China Energy. Over the years, under the leadership of the company's Party Committee, the company has won more than 50 national, provincial and municipal science and technology progress awards, including the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress, the First Prize of National Environmental Protection Science and Technology, and the Second Prize of Sichuan Science and Technology Progress, and has more than 300 technical patents. At the same time, the company has also won more than 100 honors at the municipal level and above, including the National May 1st Labor Award, the National Advanced Unit for Factory Affairs Disclosure, the National Model Harmonious Labor Relations Enterprise, the National Ankang Cup Winning Unit, the Sichuan Collective Consultation Demonstration Unit, the First Prize of Sichuan Major Equipment Labor Competition Project, the Sichuan Labor Competition Winning Unit, and the Sichuan Best Civilized Unit.

he company has long been adhering to the concept of "people-oriented", insisting on implementing the talent-driven enterprise strategy, strengthening talent support, focusing on the cultivation of craftsmen and high-level talents, and carrying out labor competitions, rationalization suggestions, key research and meritorious projects, job training, technical competitions, safety month, quality month and other activities; at the same time, it has created provincial model worker studios and provincial welding skill master studios, vigorously promoted talent and technology innovation, and is committed to building a team of knowledge-based, innovative, and skilled talents. We will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, continue to play a demonstration and leading role, vigorously promote the spirit of labor, the spirit of model workers, and the spirit of craftsmen, take on new missions, show new achievements, and contribute to promoting the governance and development of Sichuan in the new era to a new level.

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