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Work Safety Month | Everyone Understands the Importance of Safety, and Everyone Knows How to Deal Emergencies -- Smooth Life Channels

June of this year is the National 23rd "work safety month", in order to thoroughly implement the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the production safety of major decisions and deployments, adhere to the safety first, prevention first, continue to firmly grasp the red line of consciousness of safety, to promote the implementation of safety responsibilities, the establishment of responsibility mechanism for hidden trouble detection, and effectively improve the quality of risk and hidden trouble detection and rectification. The company focuses. 

Multi-measures to build a strong safety line of defense

All-out efforts to promote project construction

China Western Power Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd.(wholly-owned subsidiary of CWPC) and its Xinjiang high carbon waste dust comprehensive utilization project, Qitaihe northern residential area thermal cogeneration project, Wuhan southern household waste power plant renovation and expansion project and Laos Namphan biomass supercritical power plant project in the month of safety by hanging safety slogans, setting up safety propaganda display boards, carrying out safety learning, safety education and other forms of diverse safety awareness activities. It has raised the safety awareness of all staff, further implemented the awareness of responsibility for safety management and construction, strengthened the staff's ability to cope with and dispose of accidents and disasters, and
built up a solid safety defense line.



学规范 抓实操 促提升


Learn the norms, grasp the practical exercises and promote the improvement

Organize special safety training

公司全资子公司pg电子游戏app 张掖生物质发电有限公司在安全月特邀张掖经开区快速反应中队到项目现场实地开展预防性安全检查指导,为公司员工开展了关于自救互救、应急避险、疏散能力提升等多项培训,进一步增强了员工的安全意识和应急能力China Western Power Zhangye Biomass Power Co., Ltd. (wholly-owned subsidiary of the company) invited Zhangye Economic Development Zone Rapid Response Squadron to the project site to carry out preventive safety inspection and guidance on the ground during the safety month, and carried out a number of trainings for the company's staff on self-rescue and mutual rescue, emergency risk avoidance, and evacuation capacity enhancement, which further strengthened the staff's safety awareness and emergency response capability.


China Western Power Qianxi Medical Investment and Construction Co., Ltd (a holding subsidiary of CWPC) organized the project staff to carry out safety briefing, implement safety responsibilities, carry out fire emergency rescue drills, and make every effort to do a good job of safe construction work in the safety month.

Be prepared for the unexpected and take precautions

Carrying out hidden safety inspections

Water wall branch plant, heavy capacity branch plant, serpentine tube branch plant organized a special activity of hidden risks investigation, systematic investigation of production site safety hazards, and timely rectification of the problems found in place of safety month. At the same time, the company made use of the pre-shift meeting to study and implement General Secretary Xi Jumping’s important discussions and instructions on production safety, and educated and guided the majority of front-line employees to "understand safety, talk about safety, grasp safety, and abide by safety".


China Western Power Comprehensive Bonded Construction Co., Ltd. (a holding subsidiary of CWPC) organized safety inspection activities in the month of safety production, and carried out special safety inspections of standard factory buildings and comprehensive service buildings in the in park.

Safety is only the starting point, there is no end. The company will take the safety production month activities as an opportunity to continue to grasp the construction of safety culture, through safety education "into the mind and into the heart" to create an atmosphere to improve safety awareness, strictly abide by the safety of the "red line", and strictly and practically grasp the safety of all safety work, and to promote the safety of all production, Safety construction activities and key work to create a good safety environment for the company's high-quality development.

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