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Union Elections Promote Development

On May 22, CWPC Labor Union held the fourth member congress and elected the fourth Labor Union Committee and the fourth Labor Union Fund Review Committee. Zhang Zhen, Party member and vice chairman of Municipal Federation of Labor union, Li Renchao, Party secretary and chairman of CWPC, attended the meeting, Xu Xiaoqin, chairman of the Labor Union presided over the meeting, Jiang Zhou, Minister of civil affairs of Municipal Federation of Labor Unions, Liu Qin, vice chairman of the company’s Labor Union, and 70 member representatives participated in the election conference.


The conference opened with the solemn national anthem. Zhang Zhen, member of the Party group and vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Labor Unions, expressed warm congratulations on the smooth convening of the congress on behalf of Municipal Federation of Labor unions, and fully affirmed the achievements of the work of CWPC Labor Union. She noted:

First is to uphold the Party’s leadership over Labor Union work and provide effective ideological and political guidance for workers.

Employees studied the spirit of President Xi Jinping's series of speeches, promoted the Party's innovative theories to enter the grassroots, enterprises, and workers, built a solid ideological foundation for unity and struggle, and gave full play to the Party's role as a bridge and link to the workers.

Second is to focus on serving the overall situation and effectively play the role of the main force in the new era.

Grasp the theme and direction of trade union work, find the key to serving the overall situation, and lead the majority of employees to listen to and follow the Party. The company should vigorously promote the spirit of model workers and the spirit of labor, organize the majority of employees to actively participate in technological innovation, and widely carry out mass economic and technological innovation activities such as labor and skill competitions and rationalization suggestions.

Third is to constantly improve the mechanism and system, and do a good job in protecting the rights of employees.

We will deepen mechanisms for collective consultation, democratic management, and workers' rights protection, and promote harmonious labor relations, innovate the way of work, and increase the care and care for employees, enhance the ability to serve employees, and timely understand the thoughts and expectations of employees.




Li Renchao, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of CWPC, thanked the third labor union leadership for its contribution to the construction and development of the company. He said:

The first is to effectively improve the political position and deeply grasp the political attributes of trade union work.

We will always regard in-depth study and implementation of President Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as our primary task, strengthen ideological and political guidance, and solidly promote all trade union work to take root and bear fruit.

The second is to serve the company's transformation and development, and unite and mobilize all employees to participate in the development.

We should stick to the company's decision-making and deployment, enhance team cohesion and centripetal force, and give full play to the role of the working class as the main force. We should vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor and promote the company's sustained and steady development to show the style of the working class era.

he third is to firmly grasp the main responsibilities and core business, and represent, safeguard and develop the legitimate rights and interests of employees.

We will strive to make the maintenance and service work of employees more specific, more solid and warmer, do good things and do practical things, constantly improve the quality of life of employees, and build the trade union organization into the "home of employees" in the hearts of employees.

The fourth is to strengthen the construction of the labor union itself and continuously enhance the vitality and vitality of the labor union organization.

Consciously cultivate the awareness and ability to proactively seek change, constantly explore and innovate, improve the ability to implement, transform responsibility into the motivation to promote work, and make the labor union a ‘warm harbor’ for all employees of the company.



Xu Xiaoqin, chairman of CWPC Labor Union delivered a work report entitled ‘Unite our hearts and minds to shoulder the mission and forge ahead to write a new chapter’ to the conference on behalf of the company's third union committee. She systematically reviewed and summarized the work of the past five years to the member representatives from the aspects of providing ideological and political guidance for employees, enhancing the quality of employees, building consensus among employees, protecting the rights and interests of employees, and enriching the spiritual and cultural life of employees, and clarified the work ideas and main tasks for the next five years.

According to the conference agenda, the ‘Election Methods for the Fourth Labor Union Committee of CWPC and the ‘List of Voting Supervisors and Counters for the Fourth Member Representative Conference of CWPC were voted and passed.

The member representatives fully exercised their democratic rights with a serious, solemn and objective attitude and conducted an on-site secret ballot. After intense counting, verification and statistics, the meeting elected 9 members of the company’s fourth labor union committee and 3 members of the financial review committee.

Subsequently, the first meeting of the Fourth labor Union Committee of CWPC was held, and the chairman and vice chairman of the labor union were elected.  

Afterwards, the first meeting of the fourth funding review committee was held, and the director of the funding review committee was elected.

The newly elected chairman of CWPC labor union, Xu Xiaoqin, made a statement that labor union is not only a bridge of communication between the enterprise and employees, but also a booster for the development of our common cause. The company's new union committee will adhere to the unity of heart and soul, hold the ‘rudder’ of faith firmly, and insist on the leadership of the party as the highest political principle of the labor union's work. Improve service capabilities, promote the ‘sail’ of hard work, always put the interests of employees first, and better meet the needs of cadres and employees. Focus on self-improvement and drive the ‘oar’ of responsibility. In the future, the union will continue to improve and improve itself, strengthen internal management, improve work efficiency, and ensure that the union becomes a strong backing for employees to trust and rely on.

The conference ended with the solemn ‘Internationale’. In the next step, the company's labor union will comprehensively study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, study and implement President Xi Jinping's important expositions on the working class and labor union work, closely focus on the central tasks, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of employees, enhance the cohesion of the trade union organization, be loyal to the cause of the Party, serve employees wholeheartedly, improve quality and efficiency, be pragmatic, earnestly shoulder the trust and high expectations of employees, better play the role of the labor union work, and strive to build the labor union into a united and harmonious ‘home trusted by employees’, and work hard to continue to write a new chapter in the development of the company's labor union.



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